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How to Prepare to

Chase Your Dreams

(Preparing to Travel the World

An Original Documentary)

We hope this documentary is motivation to go after your goals.


No matter how big or crazy your dream may seem.


Remember, it's only crazy until it happens.


You won't achieve everything you want in life without taking risks.


Success does not come without sacrifice.


This is our story of using Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball to become debt free and how we used minimalism to stay that way.


We go into full detail on the cost it took to be able to live life on our terms.


The WITY Story

If you haven't caught on yet, WITY is our "celebrity couple" name: (WI)LL and KA(TY).

We love to have fun and want to make the most of our lives.


We appreciate the story that God is writing for us and look forward to whatever chapter He has next. 

Join us on our journey by following along on social media.


You can also say "hello" by sending us an email at

We are all about light-hearted travel.

And our WITY Adventure is just beginning...

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